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Cool Factor

“To live is to be courageous, to believe in yourself is bold.”

— Richard Adams, Watership Down

Enrique Badulescu

Standing Woman in Kimono (Dame im Kimono)

1918, Gustav Klimt

Alexander McQueen 

 Resort 2019

Stainless Steel Razor Blades Compose Sculptures of Garments and Household Objects 

by Tayeba Begum Lipi

Stephane Rolland

Stainless Steel Razor Blades Compose Sculptures of Garments and Household Objects 

by Tayeba Begum Lipi

Alexander McQueen 

 Resort 2019

Stainless Steel Razor Blades Compose Sculptures of Garments and Household Objects 

by Tayeba Begum Lipi

by Jingna Zhang

Kelly Beeman

Alexander McQueen 

 Resort 2019

Stainless Steel Razor Blades Compose Sculptures of Garments and Household Objects 

by Tayeba Begum Lipi

Art Deco detail on The Madison Belmont building at 181 Madison Avenue, New York City. 

Photo by Joel Gordon Photography.

Alexander McQueen 

 Resort 2019

“I like the unreality of your mind; the whole thing is very splendid and voluptuous and absurd.”

— Virginia Woolf 



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