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What's In My Bag?

Raking through another persons handbag, something nobody should ever do right? Well each one of my nephews has gone through a phase of doing this and my Mum has countless photos on her phone of the wee one rummaging through her handbag (a weekly ritual now when she's babysitting), they just seem to want to take everything out, then put it all back in. Anyway, I've never felt compelled to write one of these posts before, although I'm sure I did like waaaay back in the beginning (yes I've found the post from 2009 here!), mainly because I don't get out very often and therefore don't have a bag I use daily that's either accumulated crap stuff over time or that contains things I need on a regular basis. I tend to change the bag to suit whichever outfit I'm wearing that day and throw in items I need for that outing. However, last week I left the house, handbag in tow, 3 days in one week (mega for me), so I thought I'd let you in on what was inside.
Firstly; the bag is a nude quilted one by Love Moschino, you can find the same one in many colours here on Yoox for a very reasonable price I might add. I love this bag. It's not exciting to look at (to me), but I love the 'quality' feel of it, I'd been wanting a substantial bag like this for quite some time.
 Like I said, I pretty much 'carry light', I absolutely hate big bags that you can't find anything in, so this bag is probably as large as I would ever go.
First up is my phone (currently with a little poodle charm dangling from it), although I rarely use it to call and never go on the internet on it, I text and it's handy to have for photo taking and also telling the time because I don't wear a watch (I know some of you are sick at the thought of going naked without one)! Also my mp3 player-I don't know how I lived before I had this. I neeeed it, especially on boring bus journeys.
Cute tissues (tissues are completely essential in a woman's handbag, you always need tissues) and this little Paul & Joe (Alice In Wonderland) blotting papers compact. I only ever really need the papers during summer, but the soft compact has a mirror inside which I use all the time (even in the house), which is why it looks like it's seen better days and the whole thing is lighter to carry than an ordinary metal compact mirror.
I don't carry loads of makeup around with me. Just whichever lipstick I'm wearing (last week was Pout 'Angel Face') and I usually have a gloss or balm in there too (Dior Addict Ultra Gloss in 267 Cashmere Pink), I also carry Soap & Glory Kick Ass Concealer, it's small, has a mirror and powder and concealer just incase I need it (although I tend not to). I also LOVE Soap & Glory Hand Maid; I really wanted this because if I'm in the wheelchair and have touched the wheels or just generally I feel 'dirty' when I've been shopping and touching things (that all sounds way more dodgy out loud than in my head), anyway I like to feel like I have clean hands before eating. I've kinda become obsessed with this though and just use it all the time for a refreshing touch-up.  The little makeup bag is a MAC/Fafi one.
I suffer from migraines, so it's necessary I carry sunglasses, so I'm not squinting in bright light. If you feel naked going out with a watch, I feel naked without sunglasses in my bag! I hate forgetting them! I just usually chuck in a cheap pair (these are old Primark), because I wouldn't want my good pairs getting scratched in my bag and their cases are too big.
Finally my purse (Cath Kidston) and bus pass. I used to use a card holder and didn't bother with a coin purse, but my friend gave me this last year for my birthday and I've started using it, because it's so pretty. I don't ever carry cash on me. As I'm not out the house a lot, there's no point keeping cash when I don't need it and I no longer trust taking money out of cash machines (haven't done so for at least 3 years now since my card details were stolen). However if I'm somewhere by myself (which is rare) my Mum will give me cash, because she hates the thought of me not having any 'actual money' with me. So I just carry cards and my Debenhams Beauty Card (my sister keeps my Boots Advantage card and Tesco clubcard). My bus-pass is obviously essential (yes that blonde girl is apparently me) and recently got this pretty Paperchase holder.
So that's it, not a lot really, but then I'm only out of the house for a few hours at most.  What's inside your bag?

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