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Watsons Sakura Bella Launch

Our first super event, with our fabulous cousin, 
Denise Congco of The Makeup Den at the helm!

What: Watsons Sakura Bella Launch
When: February 10, 2011
Where: SM Makati
Policy is to dress up in our best Japanese-inspired attire, which explains the touch of quirk!

Ren (another cousin - makeup artist and hair stylist!)
 and The Makeup Den

Anne, Ren , and the two of us!

Bianca Valerio - the super host!

with the fabulous Shen of www.shensaddiction.com!  

The contents of the press kit =) The scent of Sakura Bella is hard to describe, but we like it. It doesn't assault the senses - just leaves a lingering mild, musky flowery scent.

Dawn and Trace

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