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Christmas Tag

On the sixth day of Christmas blogging, I decided to do the Christmas Tag! Christmas is one week away so I thought I would tag some people at the end to spread festivity around the blogging community!

What is your favourite Christmas film?
I have quite a few favourite Christmas films but my all-time favourite is probably the Santa Clause 2.
Have you ever had a White Christmas?
Even though I live in England and sometimes get snow in the winter, I can't actually remember if I have ever lived during a White Christmas.
Where do you usually spend Christmas?
I used to spend Christmas time in South Africa when I was a kid but for the last 10 years or so I have spent it at home with my family.
What is your favourite Christmas song?
Christmas songs are literally my favourite because I will start playing them in October and I can't pick one favourite. I love Fairy-tale of New York, Dominick the Donkey, Merry Christmas Everybody and loads more. 
Do you open any presents Christmas Eve?
No, there is a strict rule in my house that no presents can be opened until Christmas morning.
Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
Rudolph, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Comet, Vixen, Blitzen, Cupid, Donner
What Christmas traditions are you looking forward to most this year?
Of course watching the Christmas EastEnders episodes, eating loads of chocolate and food in general and sabotaging someone's Christmas cracker and replacing the toys with something random like crumpled paper.
Is your Christmas Tree real or fake?
We have a fake Christmas tree.
What is your all-time favourite Christmas food/sweet treat?
Snow Bites! Cadbury Snow Bites are literally my favourite things for Christmas and I get so excited to see them in shops in October and I buy them and stash them.
Do you like giving presents or receiving gifts better? Honestly?
I prefer giving presents in all honesty, I just feel a lot more satisfied if I put a lot of thought into a gift and the person I give it to loves it and I usually buy jokey, but useful, presents that I can laugh at with people all year round!
What is the best Christmas gift you have ever received?
I have received loads of gifts that I really love and cherish, but probably my iPad Mini which is a sacred possession is the best gift I have ever received.
What would be your dream place to visit over Christmas?
Anywhere quiet, hot without any screaming children or the *really* annoying Christmas songs or the people who literally wrestle you in shops to get presents or to pay at the tills. I hate that. I'd say South Africa again because I have so many memories of Christmas in Africa.
Are you good at wrapping presents or do you fail miserably?
I like to believe I'm good at wrapping, I never need to put a present in a gift bag because it went terribly wrong and I do think I'm good at wrapping. I hate wrapping presents, but I think wrapping gifts is in my ability.
What is your most memorable Christmas moment?
My most memorable Christmas moment is one time in South Africa we were meant to be having a barbeque for Christmas dinner but because of the extreme weather we weren't allowed to light the barbeque so we had an emergency Christmas dinner of a cheese roll and White Chocolate Magnum.
What made you realise the truth about Santa?
When I used to hear my mum and Grandma getting the presents out of the loft in the early hours of Christmas morning. My room is the closest room to the loft so I could hear basically everything one year. I think I was about 7 or around that age, I can't exactly remember. The same year I received a massive bucket of white Maltesars which were supposedly from Santa but I recognised my Granddads' handwriting on the tag.
Do you make New Years Resolutions and do you stick to them?
I try to make 'I will stick to my New Years Resolutions for longer than a week' Resolutions but since I have given up on actually making them, I never stick to them.
What makes Christmas special for you?
All the traditions that we have at Christmas makes it special for me, plus there are usually Christmas and Boxing Day sales which I can't resist and I buy a load of things. Ooops.

If you want to do this Christmas tag and have a blog/YouTube channel I nominate YOU to answer these questions next and send me the link on Twitter if you do the Christmas Tag @SparkleEyes101

SparkleEyes x

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